Bahman Azad, Member of Executive Board and Organizational Secretary of the U.S. Peace Council; Retired Professor of Sociology |
Bernadette Ellorin, Chairperson of BAYAN USA |
Sara Flounders, Co-director of the International Action Center and a Coordinator of United National Antiwar Coalition |
Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space |
Will Griffin, Member of the Board of Directors of Veterans For Peace |
Matthew Hoh, Member of the advisory boards of Expose Facts, Veterans For Peace and World Beyond War |
Patricia Hynes, Retired environmental engineer and Professor of Environmental Health |
James Patrick Jordan, National Co-Coordinator for Alliance for Global Justice, responsible for its Labor, Ecology, and Colombia project |
Margaret Kimberly, Editor and Senior Columnist at Black Agenda Report (BAR) |
Cheryl LaBash, Co-chair of the National Network on Cuba |
Hyun Lee, Member of Steering Committee of the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific |
Joe Lombardo, Co-coordinator, United National Antiwar Coalition |
Henry Lowendorf, Member of Executive Board, U.S. Peace Council |
Ray McGovern, Former CIA Analyst and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity |
Lucy Pagoada, Teacher and activist from Honduras and citizen of the United States |
Nancy Price, Co-chair of the Alliance for Democracy; Member of the WILPF’s Earth Democracy Committee
Phil Wilayto, Writer, speaker and organizer based in Richmond, Virginia; Editor of Virginia Defender |